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A Challenge To NASA – Is Pluto Spherical? Blog of author Raymond M. Towers This article was published about me in a blog of the famous author Mr. Raymond M. Towers He is an aspiring author of Mexican-American descent, although the term Chicano describes him much more accurately. You can read through the link https://verumetinventa.wordpress.com/2015/07/26/articles-a-challenge-to-nasa-is-pluto-spherical-by-adnan-alshawafi/ This article has been publishing At many regional forums and  blogs like http://jadide5all.blogspot.com/2015/06/a-yemeni-researcher-in-astronomy-adnan.html http://www.phys4arab.net/vb/showthread.php?p=752554 It was published in the Arab press in the countries of the Arab region in native language such as http://www.alkhaleej.ae/mob/ detailed/f53c9315-c755-48f7- a351-9dc93baa2e5a/0df52c8d- 025d-4ce3-86be-f422132b77e3 It was published in the Yemeni press like http://almashhad-alyemeni.com/ news56346.html#sthash. b2GRIyBE.dpuf yemen.sha
Ten Reasons Pluto is not a planet 1-       Does not has independent orbit around the Sun but it cross the orbit of Neptune. 2-       Pluto and Charon moving around the common center of gravity which has location outside the bodies of Pluto and Charon. So we can't say "Pluto is orbiting Charon or Charon is orbiting Pluto " also It is not fair to name one of them planet ( Pluto)  and the  second (Charon) moon follow Pluto where Charon has a powerful enough to move Pluto from outside its body . 3-       Pluto is not completely spherically as revealed by NASA " The new range is just west of the region within Pluto’s heart called Sputnik Planum (Sputnik Plain). The peaks lie some 68 miles (110 kilometers) northwest of Norgay Montes" In addition to a large terrain on the surface of Pluto, with respect to its size is a very large, although NASA hide a lot of details about Pluto surface without gave us one full picture just which edited by painter ,that improve

Is Pluto completely spherical …… What is the logical interpretation of orbital dance

Is Pluto completely spherical …… What is the logical interpretation of orbital dance A Yemeni astronomy researcher tables some inquires for NASA to explain the vagueness facing mission to understand the variation in the glow on the Pluto surface " New Horizon is a NASA- sponsored mission which is set to study Pluto – the Planet- and its moons as well as the Cabiier belt. This spaceship was launched in 19 June 2006 from the earth and has been speeding up and accelerating to reach the tiny planet “Pluto”. It runs at an average speed on 1 million KM/day and , thus, considered to be the speediest man-made machine. It was expected to reach the target by14 June 2015. The mission has succeeded in taking some photos of the Pluto and recently scientists and New Horizon Team have been considering the closest photos taken of the planet this year, which shows a great variation in the shining surface of the Pluto amid some explanations, which said that it was due to the

Adnan Alshawafi : Orbital dance about as a result of non-spherical planet Pluto or its moon Charon

Adnan Alshawafi : Orbital dance about as a result of non-spherical planet Pluto or its moon Charon Writing in the mother tongue عدنان الشوافي : الرقصة المدارية هي نتيجة عدم كروية في الكوكب بلوتو و قمره شارون ان ما افصحت عنه ناسا عن حركة الكوكب بلوتو و القمر شارون ووصفتها بالرقصة المدارية في الافلام و الصور التي التقطت بواسطة المركبة نيو هورايزون حديثا في نهاية يونيو و مطلع الشهر الحالي يوليو 2015 م و ارجعت السبب الى كبر حجم الكوكب بلوتو و كان الباحث اليمني في علم الفلك عدنان الشوافي قد طرح تفسيراته و من ضمنها استنتاج تلك الرقصة المدارية من صور سابقة وكان قد وصفها بالحركة الاهتزازية ( الارتدادية ) في مقالاته و يشير انها ليست رقصة عشوائية بل حركة اتزانيه يمكن حسابها بدقة و يدلل ان فرضيته عام 2013 كانت قد فسرت نفس الاضطراب او الرقصة حاصل لمدار للقمر هايبرون حول الكوكب زحل ولم تحصل الحركة او الرقصة لزحل نتيجة لكبره الهائل جدا نسبة الى القمر هايبرون ، وان ذلك ناتج عن عدم انتظام شكل القمر هايبرون ( ليس كروي ) و بناء على قوانين و معادلات الفرضية نستخلص تلك الحركة ( الرقصة بحسب وصف ن