The strength and credibility of the logical evidence of the hypothesis concluded by the Yemeni researcher in astronomy Adnan Al Shawafi concerning balance of orbs
The strength and credibility of the logical evidence of the hypothesis concluded by the Yemeni researcher in astronomy Adnan Al Shawafi concerning balance of orbs Has been further enhanced with a remarkable development in the position of scientists at Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, who declared that they have been mistaken in their findings announced in the second half of last March to have made the biggest astronomical event i.e. existence of exceptional energy pushing the matter at the speed of light and, thus, causing the universe to expand. Now, they belief that such statement enhances doubts over whether parallel universes exist along with ours. They contented themselves with the interpretation of what the telescope has provided regarding the extraordinary energy which they described as gravitational waves predicted by Einstein "Relativity Theory" about the beginning of the universe, according to the theory of the "Big Bang" . The Yemeni res...