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Which described Gravitational-Wave is a confirmation of hypothesis compound balls balanced for researcher Adnan Al-Shawaf


Which described Gravitational-Wave is a confirmation of hypothesis compound balls balanced for researcher Adnan Al-Shawaf

Scientists have theorized that special energy ( which described gravitational waves ) have infused space that exerts a repulsive force, causing the universe to expand faster than the speed of light for a prodigiously violent instant that was in the second half of this month, March 2014 , Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics had hosted a press conference on Monday, March 17th, the existence of gravitational waves was confirmed by radio astronomers this week who reported that they had seen the beginning of the Big Bang.

Researcher Adnan Al-Shawaf confirming that which has been described as the waves of gravitational is a new constitution force which control balanced of universe it's a cosmic forces that doesn’t mean a type of another four forces , according to his hypothesis it had been title " hypothesis compound balls balanced ... an approach in astronomy " which has been explained the balanced forces of universe and selected a shape and resource of that forces, it were two forces the reason of the first was motion and the reason of the second forces was a surface orb's area according to first hypothesis's law " An orb that is contain of the known material which is occupy on space and it has a regular and irregular shape and it has a volume in space repulse against all similar other orbs which separate among the space ,by the field of repulsion spread every direction and its effect according to the surface orb's area in all direction, it prorates reversely with square root for the distance , And all of orbs aren’t had gravity field without motion" and , according to the eighth hypothesis's law " The compound systems of orbs balanced through the compound balanced fictitious balls layers which the orb rolls in them in compound systems where the orb stay the centre of layers compound fictitious balls" that had been solving the paradox of why the heavens look uniform from pole to pole and uniform of galaxies movement in cluster….etc .

Researcher Adnan Al-Shawaf refuting that published by some astrophysics center and scientific sides around the world which has been a hasty deciding the gravitational waves process makes the universe immortal and transforms it into a multiverse, He also noted there is some opposition physicists, but it did not provide explanations and scientific solutions

according to second law of Adnan's hypothesis " Every orbs has never been ruled by the space balance laws and it will never harmonize with another balance system of other orbs unless it is charged by the field of the gravity (magnetic attraction field ) which is gained by the space due to the rotation of itself ,and the magnetic field intensity is directly proportional with square root for the distance" consequently with "a causing the universe to expand faster than the speed of light for a prodigiously violent instant " the result most to make the universe going to interior collapsing , like explosive of supernova


المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

http://adnanalshawafi.blogspot.com/2014/05/adnan-al-shawafi-hypothesis-of-combined.html MAY 6 Adnan Al shawafi : The hypothesis of combined balancing balls .... approach in astronomy I had Issued my hypothesis which it had been publishing a in my book entitled "The hypothesis of combined balancing balls .... approach in astronomy " and which has been put in the Library (Books House) – Sana'a – which part of the Ministry of Culture in Yemen, No. of entry of the book is 670/2013. And a certificate of Intellectual Property No. 271 / 2013 . This book consists of four chapters and it has published online Like in the National Information Center- Presidency of the Republic of Yemen- No. 28033/2013 In Arabic, the native language of the research , This book consists of four chapters that contains a full explanation of the hypothesis  and references had published in my book….etc. Before you read my hypothesis To be convinced that some time we need to b...

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العالم الفلكي الشوافي : يكشف حقيقة الجسم الغريب في سماء صنعاء الذي اثار الذعر في الناس.  في بيان للعالم الفلكي عدنان الشوافي يقول فيه ردا على إستفسارات العديد من الزملاء على ما تداولت المواقع  الاخبارية منذ ساعات عن جسم غريب في سماء  صنعاء اثار. الذعر بين الناس  . يقول  الشوافي ان مثل هذا دائما ما نسمع عنه بين الحين و الآخر في مدن مختلفة حول العالم ، و ما نوضحه ان الأرض تسير في مدارها حول الشمس بسرعة اكثر من 29 كيلو متر بالثانية و هي سرعة هائلة تعادل عشرات اضعاف سرعة المقذوفات للأسلحة النارية ، اما الأجسام القادمة من الفضاء مثل الشهب و النيازك تصطدم بالغلاف الجوي بسرعة تزيد عن ذلك و قد تتجاوز  60 كيلو متر بالثانية. فلو شي قادم من الفضاء يحترق و يتوهج ولن يقف في سماء صنعاء ،  لذلك لا نتوقع شيء قادم من الفضاء او له علاقة بالفضاء الخارجي و دخل الى الغلاف الجوي. و يستمر الشوافي قائلا رغم ان الأخبار المنشورة و وصفهم غير محدد حجم الجسم و شكله و سرعته ….. الخ التي ممكن تساعدنا في تحديد او فهم الظاهرة،  ولكن اعتماد على تواصل بعض الزملاء معي منذ ساعة انتشا...