التخطي إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Adnan Al Shawafi : Multiple Universes Conclusion Bsedy Confirming Gravitational Waves Is Not Evidence-Ba

Yemeni astronomer Adnan al-Shawafi has criticized  a number of newspapers and websites around the world for publishing, in March, reports saying scientists at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (HCFA) are convinced that the universe is immortal and that there are multiple universes.
This conclusion was allegedly based on radio telescope observations, pointing out that exceptional energy is behind the expansion of the universe. This energy, moving at the speed of light, is called gravitational waves.
The researcher said that what has been described as waves of gravity is nothing but a fundamental universal force apart from the four well-known cosmic forces. He considers it to be a hasty conclusion to describe a fundamental force as being waves of gravity and that there are several universes and related effects. Rather, that force is what the researcher himself had described and explained last year, as part of his research under the title “Compound Balance Balls: An Approach in Astronomy,” as a field of repulsion between spherical objects.
Al-Ashawafi warned against rushing to issue conclusions based on no evidence, since the discovery simply points towards an increasingly complex picture that will press a need for new solutions. He does speculate that the discovery may eventually shed light on the Big Bang, as well as the relationship between dark matter and other matter.

Al-Ashawafi has been a researcher for fifteen years, and became prominent with last year’s publication of “Compound Balance Balls.” It was published by Dar books, in partnership with the Ministry of Culture. It has been translated into different languages, and sent to various astronomical societies worldwide.


المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

http://adnanalshawafi.blogspot.com/2014/05/adnan-al-shawafi-hypothesis-of-combined.html MAY 6 Adnan Al shawafi : The hypothesis of combined balancing balls .... approach in astronomy I had Issued my hypothesis which it had been publishing a in my book entitled "The hypothesis of combined balancing balls .... approach in astronomy " and which has been put in the Library (Books House) – Sana'a – which part of the Ministry of Culture in Yemen, No. of entry of the book is 670/2013. And a certificate of Intellectual Property No. 271 / 2013 . This book consists of four chapters and it has published online Like in the National Information Center- Presidency of the Republic of Yemen- No. 28033/2013 In Arabic, the native language of the research , This book consists of four chapters that contains a full explanation of the hypothesis  and references had published in my book….etc. Before you read my hypothesis To be convinced that some time we need to b

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