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A Yemeni astronomy researcher tables some inquires for NASA to explain the vagueness facing Apollo mission to understand the variation in the glow on the Pluto surface . New Horizon is a NASA- sponsored mission which is set to study Pluto – the Planet- and its moons as well as the Cabiier belt. This spaceship was launched in 19 June 2006 from the earth and has been speeding up and accelerating to reach the tiny planet “Pluto”. It runs at an average speed on 1 million KM/day and , thus, considered to be the speediest man-made machine. It was expected to reach the target by14 June 2015. The mission has succeeded in taking some photos of the Pluto and recently scientists and New Horizon Team have been considering the closest photos taken of the planet this year, which shows a great variation in the shining surface of the Pluto amid some explanations, which said that it was due to the polar cover. Nevertheless, scientists and analyzing team at New Horizon still face a lot of opacity in explaining the photo taken. Early on, the Yemeni scientists Adnan Al Shawafi – astronomy researcher - has been following the mission and all materials published to that end. After examining and analyzing the photos, Mr. Al Shawafi arrived at two conclusions or, more correctly, the same finding with two different explanations as follows: First conclusion: it is based on applicable laws and concepts which says that the variation in shininess is due to the irregular shape of Pluto since it is not a perfectly spherical or elliptical and the evidence of that is its regressive movement (vibratory movement back and fro and never moves in a regular elliptical orbit) around its A common center of mass located outside its center. The same regressive movement applies its double moon Sharon i.e. the distance between Sharon the moon and Pluto the planet is changing up and down but it was not recognizable because of the narrow vision angle. The Charon orbital movement around the Pluto. No attention was given as well because the Moon surface movement is irregular since Charon day equals its month and that the time it takes to rotate around itself equals the time used to rotate around Pluto. Therefore, the vision dimensions of Charon and its surface is fixed all the time with Pluto. The reason why the distance between the planet and its moon keep changing can also be attributed to the fact that Pluto's mass is not concentrated in the center of the planet. In other words, if we break it into halves, we will see that one half has larger mass than the other half by over 20%. This explanation is developed following an in-depth study of the probabilities and on the applicable concepts. The second conclusion: is the same explanation of movement furnished in the hypothesis tabled by the researcher Adnan Al Shawafi and published in 2013 which contains 8 laws and 8 math formulas explaining the balance of orbs in compound universal systems as well as additional dimensions of the universe. In his hypothesis, the researcher developed a set of explanations and predictions concerning planet Pluto including its common balance with its moon Sharon and that Pluto is rotating around a factitious center outside its body at a distance of 5400 km though the existing laws and circulated information did not conclude to even 50% of the distance concluded by the researcher even before publishing his hypothesis and related articles on the balance of planet Pluto published in the web and key words can be used to search for these submissions. My publications were to show my persistence and confidence in my hypothesis and the dimensions of the Pluto being a spherical in shape with an approximate area of its space 16.69 million km2. The newly released photos obtained from New Horizon asserts the fact that Pluto's shape is irregular and that the distance can go up and down by 20% which is still double the distance known and proven by gravity laws and other laws in use although I believe there is a 100% difference in the estimated distance between Pluto center and the common center of mass outside Pluto's center according to the Balance Balls Hypothesis. Hence, the researcher Adnan Al Shawafi calls on NASA and New Horizon mission to pay due attention to his explanations and conclusions elucidating the variation found in the photos taken by New Horizon which he deemed it worth sharing to further analyze the vagueness under question. All rights reserved


المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

http://adnanalshawafi.blogspot.com/2014/05/adnan-al-shawafi-hypothesis-of-combined.html MAY 6 Adnan Al shawafi : The hypothesis of combined balancing balls .... approach in astronomy I had Issued my hypothesis which it had been publishing a in my book entitled "The hypothesis of combined balancing balls .... approach in astronomy " and which has been put in the Library (Books House) – Sana'a – which part of the Ministry of Culture in Yemen, No. of entry of the book is 670/2013. And a certificate of Intellectual Property No. 271 / 2013 . This book consists of four chapters and it has published online Like in the National Information Center- Presidency of the Republic of Yemen- No. 28033/2013 In Arabic, the native language of the research , This book consists of four chapters that contains a full explanation of the hypothesis  and references had published in my book….etc. Before you read my hypothesis To be convinced that some time we need to b...

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  ا لفلكي عدنان الشوافي : يكشف عن دورة الكسوف و الخسوف و يوضح عدة ظواهر طبيعية و موجز عن فرضية كرات الاتزان المركبة … في مقابلة ثرية بالمعلومة مقابلة الباحث و الفلكي عدنان علي الشوافي في   الاسبوعية الرسمية ” 26 سبتمبر ” اقراء  في الحوار :- – دعوة الى وكالة فضاء يمنية – عن ظاهرة النينو – الزلازل ترجع لعوامل فلكية و جولوجية / طقس – كيف تتكرر الاحداث كل 18 سنة و تعود بعد 54 سنة – الكسوف و الخسوف دقيقة و ليست مجرد تخمين – علم الفلك اليمني و العربي غني بالعلم وان كان بلغة المزارع او المسافر. – عن فرضية كرات الاتزان المركبة . الجزء الأول من المقابلة –  –  –   – – – كان في العدد (1963). الخميس 22 فبراير 2018 الموافق 6 جمادي الاخرة 1438 هجرية ■ علم الفلك في اليمن يعيش في زاوية غير معروفة … اين انتم ترونه؟ ■■ علم الفلك في اليمن خاصة والوطن العربي عامة ذو بعد تاريخي غزيز بالمعرفة والعلوم، قد يكون على العموم كما ذكرت في زاوية غير معروفة، لعدم الالتفات اليه والانشغال عنه او لتوجيه التركيز الى زوايا اخرى ، اما بالنسبة لنا نجد فيه منبع رئيسي للعلم يس...

العالم الفلكي الشوافي : يكشف حقيقة الجسم الغريب في سماء صنعاء الذي اثار الذعر في الناس.

العالم الفلكي الشوافي : يكشف حقيقة الجسم الغريب في سماء صنعاء الذي اثار الذعر في الناس.  في بيان للعالم الفلكي عدنان الشوافي يقول فيه ردا على إستفسارات العديد من الزملاء على ما تداولت المواقع  الاخبارية منذ ساعات عن جسم غريب في سماء  صنعاء اثار. الذعر بين الناس  . يقول  الشوافي ان مثل هذا دائما ما نسمع عنه بين الحين و الآخر في مدن مختلفة حول العالم ، و ما نوضحه ان الأرض تسير في مدارها حول الشمس بسرعة اكثر من 29 كيلو متر بالثانية و هي سرعة هائلة تعادل عشرات اضعاف سرعة المقذوفات للأسلحة النارية ، اما الأجسام القادمة من الفضاء مثل الشهب و النيازك تصطدم بالغلاف الجوي بسرعة تزيد عن ذلك و قد تتجاوز  60 كيلو متر بالثانية. فلو شي قادم من الفضاء يحترق و يتوهج ولن يقف في سماء صنعاء ،  لذلك لا نتوقع شيء قادم من الفضاء او له علاقة بالفضاء الخارجي و دخل الى الغلاف الجوي. و يستمر الشوافي قائلا رغم ان الأخبار المنشورة و وصفهم غير محدد حجم الجسم و شكله و سرعته ….. الخ التي ممكن تساعدنا في تحديد او فهم الظاهرة،  ولكن اعتماد على تواصل بعض الزملاء معي منذ ساعة انتشا...